Japan/Hawaii/"Disaster Relief" people
By now I'm sure all of you have heard of the earthquake in Japan and the Tsunami threat in Hawaii, which are both VERY bad don't get me wrong I feel very sad for the people who lost their homes, lively hood, and families, BUT on the other hand we know from the past that when something like this happens some people start bogus charities to get money from kindhearted people and then after they take the money the either do nothing with it or they spend it all on themselves. Don't get me wrong I am not saying don't give money to help disaster victims, what I'm saying is give your money to reputable charities like the American Red Cross or anyone listed on the Better Business Bureau has listed. We also know that someone is going to say something they shouldn't while on a international show, but there is no way to stop that.
Praying for Japan and Hawaii,
Kimberly }{
Praying for Japan and Hawaii,
Kimberly }{
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