In case you were curious

In case anyone who reads my Twitter or facebook is curious what is wrong with my wrist I'll let you know. In April of 2010, on a Friday, I was rollerskating and fell with my left hand stretched out, that resulted in my elbow and shoulder getting "jammed" and I thought that is all that had happened to my wrist, the following Monday I had a Dr's appointment so I brought up the fact that I had fallen and the Dr decided to take some X-rays and make sure nothing was broken; it was determined then that I had not broken my wrist but just sprained it, the treatment method was to take anti-inflammatory medicine and wear a brace on my arm for 6 weeks. After the 6 weeks my wrist was still bothering me so my primary care doctor referred me to an orthopedic doctor. The orthopedic doctor took another set of X-rays and said that he showed no broken bones and that I should try physical therapy. I went through a 6 week course of physical therapy designed for the hand and wrist, the major problem is that I actually LOST 3-5 pounds of "squeeze" from before and after therapy.... most people gain 5-8 pounds of "squeeze." After the six weeks of therapy I went back the orthopedic doctor and he said that there wasn't anything he thought he could do and referred me out to a hand surgeon; the hand surgeon took another set of X-rays and said that he thought he saw a brake in the bone, turns out it was not a brake, but just a spot on the film or computer, after the X-rays he decided to have a bone scan done, a bone scan is where they inject something that bones which are healing love to eat along with a dye that will show up on the scan and look to see if there is a spot where the bone is trying to heal itself, the bone scan showed to signs of the bone trying to heal itself. After the bone scan the doctor decided to check and see if I had RA, that test came back negative as well. So the hand surgeon decided there was nothing he could do for me and released me....that was in July of 2010. By this time I was having more days where my arm did not hurt than days where it did so I kinda let it drop for a bit; in March of 2011 I started working as a delivery driver at Domino's pizza, and because I am HORRIBLY right handed I was carrying the pizzas on my left hand which aggravated the injury in my wrist so I went back to the orthopedist office, but, went to a different doctor in the office, so I had another set of X-rays done, still no brakes(go figure!)then he ordered a MRI with contrast to check all of the chambers in my wrist, that came back normal, according to the orthopedist, so he sent me to a different hand surgeon who based on another X-ray, along with the MRI reports and films determined that I had torn cartilage in my wrist and needed surgery to repair the problem, so I scheduled the surgery for the following week, and when the surgery center called to do the pre-pre-op interview I was told that I had to bring almost $170 with me on the day of surgery, which meant that I had to cancel the surgery and wait until we met our insurance CAT cap; either the end of October or the beginning of November we got notification that we had reached our CAT cap, so I called the hand surgeon I had seen in July and was going to schedule the operation and was told that he had had double bypass surgery and was not yet cleared to perform surgery and was referring all of his patients out to another orthopedic surgeon. So, I call the other doctor and schedule an appointment and explain EVERYTHING again, they take another set of X-rays(still no brake) and decides at first to not do surgery but try a shot to promote the cartilage to heal itself, which would've been fine except I called to find out how much my part would be after the first of the year and was told my part was $360, I told them I couldn't afford that, when I went back to the office they decided to do the surgery, the surgery was scheduled for 12/11/12 but I got up sick that morning and had to reschedule the surgery, the surgery is now postponed until I figure out something with my insurance.


  1. Boy oh boy sounds like you've got some issues. What is there to figure out with the insurance company? Meet your outta pocket expense & then schedule it & or wait til the surgeon who 1st agreed to operate on you. Don't think just because you have surgery that its going to fix the issue, it could make it worse. I'd stay off ROLLERSKATES & do the exercises they do for that injury while your waiting or think about ssd if its that bad & you can't work because of it.

    1. HI! I just saw your comment(a little late I know) but the issues with insurance are that I don't currently have any, they didn't give me any exercises to do, and I can't get SSD because it isn't bad enough often enough and can be controlled with non narcotic meds......... and I have sworn off rollerskates :)


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